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How to clear the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3

Scale BG3's mysterious Arcane Tower and steal its secrets!

Astarion using the elevator in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

In the southwest of the mysterious Underdark in Baldur's Gate 3, your party comes across the equally enigmatic Arcane Tower.

Dark and foreboding, and guarded by Arcane Turrets, the Tower is obviously hiding some interesting secrets - but how do you get to them?

Here’s how to get into the Arcane Tower and uncover everything it has to offer.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Arcane Tower walkthrough

The party hiding from an Arcane Turret in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

From the base of the Arcane Tower, run around the bottom of the staircase to shield your party from the first Arcane Turret, then use the jump command to climb the cliff and run to the door.

No surprise, it’s locked. But I wouldn’t suggest opening it yet. Inside there are two more Arcane Turrets waiting to blast you.

Instead, I’d recommend toggling off group mode and using your sneakiest character to search the tower on their own, at least initially. You will need to pick a lock - or smash a door down with a melee weapon - so I’d suggest using Astarion or your create-a-character if you’ve got the Sleight of Hand proficiency.

Astarion sneaking through a window into the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Next, look over to the left. There’s an open window here you can jump through to get inside the Arcane Tower.

Astarion hiding behind a pillar from an Arcane Turret in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Once inside, hide behind the pillar in front of you to avoid the blasts from the turret.

Now, run to the door on your left, open it, and go out onto the balcony so you’re no long in the sights of the turret.

Astarion jumping down onto some mushrooms outside the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Look next to the balcony and you should see some mushrooms attached to the side of the tower. Jump down onto the mushrooms, then onto the balcony of the floor below.

Inside this floor you can find two important items: a tongue of madness and timmask spores. These are used in a different side quest in the Underdark.

Astarion surviving a long fall outside the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

To continue, return to the balcony. Now, jump down again onto the mushrooms below. Unless you have featherfall, this will hurt, but it’s not damage you can’t deal with at this point.

Jump down again towards the back of the Arcane Tower, then once you’re at the bottom, go towards the glowing trees.

Astarion collecting a Sussur Bloom in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Grab a Sussur Bloom - you only need one for now - then go to the back door of the Tower.

Interact with the door and either pick the lock or hit it with a melee weapon until it breaks. You pick locks by right-clicking the door, or hit it by clicking on the picture of your weapon at the bottom of the screen.

Inside this basement area there are a few things to collect and books to read, but the main point of interest is the power generator.

Astarion powering the power generator in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Click on the generator so the combine item screen appears, then drag the Sussur Bloom into the empty slot. This fires up the generator, switches the lights back on and powers down those pesky turrets.

Now, go up the stairs from the basement and search the chest at the top. Then go into the elevator and press once to ascend.

Astarion reading a threadbare book in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

You now need to read three books throughout the Arcane Tower. This step is important, so don’t skip it. On the floor you’re on now, read the threadbare book just outside the elevator, then get back inside, go up another floor and regroup with the rest of the party - picking the lock on the front door if you haven’t yet done so.

Astarion reading a dusty book in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Next, by the front door, read the dusty book on the lectern. Seriously, this is important so do it.

The party reading the Roads to Darkness in the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Now, get back in the elevator and go up again. This time, while searching the floor for loot, read The Roads to Darkness and the handwritten letter on the desk. Make sure you don’t miss the Mage’s Friend ring in the chest on this floor - it’s brilliant for passing lore checks.

With that done, go up one more floor.

Baldur’s Gate 3 Bernard

Here you meet Bernard, the electrified automaton. Because you read the books on your way up like you were supposed to (see, I told you it was important), you know that he speaks in lines from the play The Roads to Darkness.

Reply, “Or art thou friend, a rescue from my lonely wake?” This will satisfy him to where he won’t attack you on the spot.

Tav collecting the Guiding Light ring from Bernard on top of the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Now, choose your next replies carefully. The first option that starts, “How can I trust…” prompts him to place the Guiding Light right on the table next to him. Putting this ring on your finger reveals a secret button which opens the basement.

If you want a fight, choose the second option that starts, “There is a light in every living thing…”. This prompts Bernard, and the other robots, to attack your party. It’s a tough fight but if you can beat him you get a unique lightning weapon.

Either way, once you’ve got the Guiding Light ring, equip it to any of your party and press the secret button to go into the basement.

Tav collecting a unique staff from the basement of the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Here you get a ton of scrolls, another set of madness tongue and timmask spores, a unique staff and basilisk oil, the latter of which you can use to revive the petrified drow you might have already seen in the Underdark - the one with 11HP has something interesting to say…

But with that, go up the stairs and pull the lever to open the false wall. From there you can get back to the elevator and leave with your loot bag jingling.

Tav collecting a unique hammer from outside the Arcane Tower in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

On your way out, don’t forget to look over to your right, behind where the Arcane Turrets were guarding before. There’s a unique hammer inside the locked chest here that you’re going to want to grab before you leave for good!

Looking for help with your Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough? Check-out our guides to the best BG3 weapons, best spells, and best Sorcerer builds.

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James Billcliffe

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James suffers so you don't have to, creating expert guides for the toughest games and reviews for the biggest blockbuster releases.
