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How to recruit Lump the Enlightened in Baldur’s Gate 3

This particularly smart Ogre has a hunger for food and money.

Lump the Enlightened speaking to other ogres in Baldur's Gate 3
Image credit: Larian/VG247

Baldur's Gate 3 is full of exploration options and distinct characters to meet, even from the very beginning of the game. As you explore the Ravaged Beach and beyond, picking up companions galore, you’ll also find other NPCs to befriend, or fight.

In the Blighted Village, you’ll likely run into an ogre known as Lump the Enlightened. This particular fellow is different from other ogres, having acquired the Headband of Intellect, which gives him a level of intelligence that most ogres wouldn’t have.

As a result, Lump the Enlightened is out to seek as much food and money as he can get his hands on. I’m not sure how enlightened that makes him, but if he can help us, then fair enough. Without further ado, here’s how to recruit Lump the Enlightened in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How to recruit Lump the Enlightened in Baldur’s Gate 3

First things first, you’ll need to find Lump the Enlightened. This particular ogre is located in the Blighted Village. Once you enter the village, take a left and enter the second hut; its coordinates are X13, Y370.

A map of where to find Lump the Enlightened in Baldur's Gate 3's Blighted Village
You'll find the Ogres in this part of Blighted Village. | Image credit: Larian Studios

You’ll immediately enter a dialogue with Lump the Ogre, who’ll explain how he has become enlightened and is now working for the Goblins in exchange for the only two things Lump cares for: food and money.

What do the Goblins get? Three ogres to use however they please.

Now, when speaking to Lump, you essentially have two routes you can go down. You can attempt to steal him from the Goblins and recruit him yourself, or you can attack him and steal his gear. We’re going to explain how to do the former, so you can earn Lump’s trust, but ultimately, killing him is actually a good idea.

It's worth noting that Lump is not a companion character, but someone you can summon to help in battle. Unless you do actually fancy paying him an abundance of gold, he's not really worth keeping around. Alas, you can if you want!

After Lump finishes explaining his situation, you should ask that he works for you instead. He’ll then let you make an offer. You’ll have the option to do a Deception check, in which you pay Lump a sum of 1000 Gold after he fights for you, or a Persuasion check, in which you offer to pay him in flesh.

The player speaks with Lump the Enlightened in Baldur's Gate 3
Tell Lump to fight for you instead of the Goblins, and then proceed to try deceive or persuade him. | Image credit: Larian Studios

You can choose either option. Either way, if you succeed, you’ll be given the Lump’s War Horn item which allows you to summon him to help you in combat. When you summon him following this, if you’re unable to pay up, you’ll have the choice to perform the check you didn’t do earlier (and be able to summon him again, if you're lucky) or your deal will end. When your deal ends, I recommend choosing to attack Lump. We’ll explain why soon!

If you fail the checks, you’ll still receive a version of Lump’s War Horn, and will have one more chance to summon him and pass the checks. Use the horn to summon Lump, and complete the checks again. If you fail this time around, that’s that, and you should attack the ogre.

The player hovers over Lump's War Horn in Baldur's Gate 3
Use this item to summon Lump to help you with a fight. | Image credit: Larian Studios

If you failed the checks twice, or passed and can’t then pay up or are done with your deal, you should kill off Lump the Enlightened and his friends. You can then loot the Warped Headband of Intellect that Lump was using, which can come in clutch if you don’t have a high Intelligence player in your party. Whoever wears the headband will receive a 17 Intelligence stat, which is really useful this early on in the game.

The player hovers over the Warped Headband of Intellect in Baldur's Gate 3
This headband will give you 17 Intelligence. | Image credit: Larian Studios

You’ll also find his diary, which tells you exactly how Lump the Enlightened came to be and why the Headband of Intellect is Warped, which is pretty amusing if you’re a hound for lore!

For more on Baldur’s Gate 3, be sure to rescue the Gnome in the Blighted Village before you leave! After that, take a look at rescuing Druid Halsin, and how you can respec your character if needed.

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Baldur's Gate III

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Kelsey Raynor

Guides Writer

Kelsey's passion for gaming began with Resident Evil, and it's been rather difficult to get them to shut up about horror games since. When they're not scoping out new scares or commiserating the cancellation of Silent Hills, they can often be found fawning over cute Pokémon and Kirby, or being very average at FPS games.
