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Connections hints and definitions for November 9, 2023

Today's Connections puzzle features some tough proper nouns to group

A Connections puzzle, showing the categories "Mild Oaths", "Fast", "Falsify" and "TV Shows"
Image credit: New York Times/VG247

Can you uncover the hidden relationships between 4 groups of 4 words in just 4 guesses? That’s the task at hand in Connections, a new word game from the New York Times.

You have to sift through the available options and decide which 4 words form a distinct category. It’s not always easy, though. Many words can be placed into multiple different categories and cutting through these ambiguities is the key to solving Connections.

Today’s Connections puzzle is particularly confusing, not because the words are tough to parse in themselves, but because they include a lot of proper nouns that genuinely might mean nothing to you!

To help out, we’ve provided definitions for each of the 16 words on show in Connections today, as well as some carefully curated clues to nudge you in the right direction.

If all that’s not enough though, we’ve got a list of the answers as well - hidden behind spoiler tags so you can reveal them one-by-one for an extra clue if you’re completely stuck.

Connections definitions for November 9, 2023

  • Radiolab - Somewhere were radio shows are produced, or a podcast produced by WNYC
  • Exercise - Physical activity done for fun or the health benefits, or to make use of a right
  • Reply All - An email function that sends a message to main and CC’d participants in an email chain
  • Compose - The act of writing or creating something, or what something is made up of
  • Divine - Of God, godlike or really nice
  • Diet - The kinds of food someone eats, or the restriction thereof
  • Sketch - To roughly draw something, or a comedic skit
  • Black - The darkest colour
  • Fresh Air - The air outside as opposed to indoors
  • Serial - The repetition of an action or event, or something taking place in or making up part of a series, also a “true crime” podcast
  • Prop - A pole used to support something, or a mock item used during a play or film production
  • Up First - The first in a series, or a daily news podcast by NPR
  • Sleep - A restful, restorative process humans and animals engage in where they rest over several hours, or the gunk in the corners of your eyes
  • Forward - The direction in front of something, the opposite of backward, or to pass something on
  • Send - Having something taken to a particular place or person
  • WTF - An initialism that definitely means “what the flip”, also a podcast starring comedian Marc Maron

Connections hints for November 9, 2023

  • Group 1 hint: A collection of non-medical prescriptions - Alternative words: Bedrest, Detox, Eat well
  • Group 2 hint: Office workers likely use these functions every day - Alternative words: Carbon Copy, Delete, Archive
  • Group 3 hint: These words are big new-media hits - Alternative words: This American Life, Football Weekly, VG247 Best Games Ever
  • Group 4 hint: These words belong to the funniest genre - Alternative words: Romantic, Stand up, Shakespearean

Connections answers for November 9, 2023

Click or press on the spoiler tags below to reveal the hidden Connections answers.

  • Group 1 answer: “Doctor’s Orders” - Diet, Exercise, Fresh Air, Sleep
  • Group 2 answer: “Email Actions” - Compose, Forward, Reply All, Send
  • Group 3 answer: “Podcasts” - Radiolab, Serial, Up First, WTF
  • Group 4 answer: “___ Comedy” - Black, Divine, Prop, Sketch

A tough Connections puzzle today. If you’ve not heard of the Divine Comedy - which includes the probably more famous Dante’s Inferno - then the comedy group will have been tough.

But while the email group was quite easy, the rest of the words were likely pretty random, particularly if you were also unfamiliar with the podcast titles. Well done if you did manage to get them though!

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James Billcliffe

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James suffers so you don't have to, creating expert guides for the toughest games and reviews for the biggest blockbuster releases.
