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Diablo 4 - Change these settings before you start playing

There are several crucial settings Diablo 4 hides that will make your life a whole lot easier if you tweak them before you jump in.

Make the most of your journey through Hell by finding the best Diablo 4 settings for your playstyle.

As a modern game, Diablo 4 offers a range of accessibility features, many of which benefit all players. This also extends to a number of other quality of life features that either make it possible to replicate the experience from older games, or make things easier for modern players expecting things to work a certain way.

Not all of those options are immediately visible, and without venturing into the game's menus, you may not even realise they’re there. In this story, we’re going to go over several crucial options that you should consider tweaking, or at the very least, be aware that they’re available should you ever need them.

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Change your highlights to darker colours

Diablo 4 is a very dark game. Despite that, it can sometimes be hard to read light character outlines. This goes for you, enemies, objects in the world you can interact with (such as chests), as well as NPCs.

In order to make these outlines a little more visible, Diablo 4 allows you to either change the full colour set into one that corresponds to a particular colour blindness, or change each one individually.

You get access to the full colour range, so definitely consider making the existing colours lighter or darker to fit your screen (or changing them entirely). We’ve especially found it essential to change the settings for object highlights.

You’ll find all that under Accessibility > Highlights.

Make the cursor bigger

Diablo 4 is incredibly chaotic. Your screen will quickly be covered with fancy effects, and large numbers of enemies that surround your character. Once you get into the more late-game dungeons, you might find it hard to see where you character even is.

This also goes for the mouse cursor, which is more of a problem on PC, as not being able to locate the cursor means it will take you longer to find your orientation and aim your next attack.

There are three cursor sizes, which you can change under Accessibility > Visual > Cursor Scale. We found the largest option to be the best, particularly if you’re playing at 1440p or 4k.

Turn on the option to always show loot

Diablo 4 is a loot game, so it makes sense that you wouldn’t want to miss out on any dropped loot. Typically, pressing Alt (or clicking the left stick) highlights all drops in the area, which is how it’s always worked in ARPGs.

However, by default, the option only highlights loot drops for a few seconds. We recommend changing it so items always stay highlighted after you hit the button. Once you do that, get into the habit of pressing Alt after an encounter to see all the drops you missed it.

You can do this under Gameplay > Item Label Display, and change to Push to Show.

Turn on ping display

For some reason, Diablo 4 does not show your ping to the server anywhere on screen. Despite being an always-online game, as well as the fact Diablo 3 on PC had a ping indicator built right into its UI, the new game does not.

But, if you’re a longtime PC player, you probably need to know your ping at all times. The good news is that you can turn it on. By hitting Control + R twice, it will show up in the bottom left corner of the screen.

One press displays the framerate, and the other the ping. Unfortunately, you’ll have to do this every time you start the game. You should know that the ping doesn’t have a UI element, so it’s going to look out of place in an otherwise immaculate image – as it only appears as a line of white text in the bottom left corner.

It does the job, though, so there’s that. We could not find a way to do the same on consoles, however.

Turn on advanced item comparison

By default, Diablo 4’s item comparison is a little bland. It only shows basic positive/negative changes, and though that may be enough for many players, it’s not the most detailed on offer.

There’s one tier above that exposes even more details for players who like to see more of the bigger picture. The option is available under Gameplay > Advanced Tooltip Compare, and we recommend turning it on to better appreciate the differences between gear items, and weapons beyond simple +/- changes.

There's an even deeper option, Advanced Tooltip Information, which exposes lucky hit chances, whether modifications are multiplicative or additive - and it’s best for advanced players who want the absolute deepest level of comparison.

We suggest messing around with the different options to see what suites you best, seeing as you can always return to the default. These more advanced options will make more sense the more prefixes/bonuses gear starts dropping with.

You're now almost ready to take on Lilith and her horde, but you first need to dive into our crucial tips, and let us help you decide which class to start with using our class tier list.

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Sherif Saed


Sherif is VG247’s go-to shooter and Souls-likes person. Whether it’s news, reviews, or op-eds – Sherif is always eager to tell you about video games. Sherif is based in Egypt, a fact he’s working diligently to change, if only to have more opportunities to hike.
