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Diablo 4 main quest list and how long to beat

Measuring your time in hell

Keep this list of Diablo 4 main quests handy if you want to cut through all the noise and stick to the critical path.

Diablo 4 is divided into six acts, with a short prologue and an equally short epilogue, though the acts vary in length. The first three are frontloaded with plenty to do and will likely take a fair while to get through. The fourth and sixth are significantly shorter.

While you might be tempted to breeze through the campaign as quickly as possible, it's a good idea to stop and do at least a few side quests. Aside from the extra lore and XP, you'll get regional renown and eventually unlock more health potions.

Diablo 4 main quests

Diablo 4 prologue quests - Wandering

The prologue in Diablo 4 introduces you to Lilith in the isolated region around Nevesk.

  • Dusk on the Mountain
  • Darkness Within
  • A Hero’s Return
  • A Hero’s Reward
  • Prayers for Salvation
  • In Search of Answers
  • Rite of Passage
  • Missing Pieces

The prologue region is pretty small, so even if you stop and explore, it'll probably take around two hours at most to finish.

Diablo 4 Act 1 quests - A Cold and Iron Faith

The first act takes you through Kyovashad and the surrounding region on the hunt for information about Lilith.

  • Ill Tidings
  • Tarnished Luster
  • The Knight and the Magpie
  • Undertaking
  • Below
  • In Her Wake
  • Storming the Gates
  • The Cost of Knowledge

Light's Guidance or Wayward?

Which branch of Act 1 you choose next really just depends on which part of the story you want to see. Both branches have the same number of quests, and you end up at the same place regardless of which you pick.

Branch 1

  • Light's Guidance
  • Kor Valar
  • Pilgrimage
  • Light's Judgment
  • Light's Protection

Branch 2

  • Wayward
  • Shroud of the Horadrim
  • Fledgling Scholar
  • Crossing Over
  • Descent
  • Light's Resolve

Act 1 took me about four hours to finish, though that's including event grinding and exploring every inch of the map. You could probably trim an hour or 90 minutes off if you stick to the critical path.

Diablo 4 Act 2 quests - The Knife Twists Again

Act 2 takes you to the dank woodlands of Scosglen, and you can start it as soon as you and Lorath split up, even if you haven't finished Act 1 yet.

  • An Unforseen Visit
  • Dark Omens

Encroaching Shadows or A Feral Nature?

The path splits again after Dark Omens, and again, it doesn't matter which one you choose.

Branch 1: Encroaching Shadows

  • Exhuming the Forgotten
  • Harrowed Lament
  • Apex of Misery

Branch 2: Feral Nature

  • The Path of Rage
  • Fangs of Corruption
  • Buried Secrets
  • In Ruins
  • Entombed Legacy
  • Shadow Over Cerrigar
  • As the World Burns

Act 2 is pretty meaty. Expect to spend about three hours or so in Scosglen and quite a bit more if you're exploring and completing side quests.

Diablo 4 Act 3 quests - The Making of Monsters

Act 3 sends you to the Dry Steppes, an area that's substantially larger than Kyovashad and Scosglen.

  • The Spreading Darkness
  • Whittling Sanity
  • Branch 2: Suffering Disquiet
  • A Moment to Collect
  • Brought Low
  • The City of Blood and Dust
  • Small Blessings
  • Whispers From the Past
  • Through the Dark Glass
  • Descent Into Flame
  • Loose Threads
  • Oasis of Memories
  • Flesh From Bone
  • Piercing the Veil

Act 3 takes quite a while. I spent four-ish hours without doing many side quests, though I also got lost a few times. If your sense of direction is better than mine, you'll probably knock it out in three hours or so. Make sure to pick up a few quick side quests while you're here for some easy renown, such as Keeping the Old Traditions and Reject the Mother. Grab plenty of Reddamine for potion and elixir crafting too.

Diablo 4 Act 4 quests - A Gathering Storm

Act 4 is a bit different compared to the rest of the game. It has only a few, very basic quests, and you have to complete all of the first three acts before you can start it. There's no flexibility here.

  • Prying the Eye
  • A Master's Touch
  • Lost Arts
  • A Meeting of the Minds
  • Eye of the Storm

These basically just send you around to speak with people, so it won't take long to finish. Make sure to do the priority quest Donan's Favor after A Master's Touch. It's also very short, and you get your mount at the end of it.

Diablo 4 Act 5 quests - Secrets Bartered, Fates Sold

Act 5 sends you to several locations in Sanctuary, so hopefully you've been remembering to activate waypoints during your journey.

  • The Path Divided
  • Secrets of the Zakarum
  • Entombed Hatred
  • Swamp Hospitality
  • Witch of the Wastes
  • Encumbered Mind
  • The Cage of Grief
  • Tainted Flesh
  • Wrack & Ruin
  • Cold Blood
  • The Serpentine Path
  • Dirge of the Mire
  • The Slow, Beating Heart
  • A Cold and Lifeless Shore
  • Picking Through the Bones
  • Beneath the Wine-Dark Sea
  • Fragments of Mortality
  • On the Precipice
  • Knee-Deep in Filth
  • A Chorus of Voices

There's a lot to do in this act, and it took me about five hours without side quests.

Diablo 4 Act 6 quests - Dance of the Makers

Act 6 is where everything rises to a climax, but the questing itself doesn't actually take that long. Depending on what all you do, this act should take two hours or less.

  • Evil Stirs in Kehjistan
  • The Jewel of the East
  • The Scouring of Caldeum
  • The Walls Shake
  • Turning the Tide
  • Essence of Hatred
  • In Desolation’s Wake
  • Light Extinguished
  • The Blind Eye
  • What Lies Ahead

There's also a short epilogue with a few quests, though it's nothing too involved.

And that's the end of Diablo 4's campaign. The next step is the grind to level 100, so plan on seeing a lot more of these regions and their dungeons. If you're keen on starting with a new character, check out our Diablo 4 tier list to see which class might be right for you and our Necromancer and Sorceror builds for how to get the most out of the two top classes.

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Josh Broadwell

