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Is this Diablo 4 or a My Little Pony convention?

Oops, Diablo 4 is full of ponies.

Diablo 4 is a very grim game, both in its morose narrative, and in the way it looks. Colours are muted, and contrast is high - an image quite reflective of the dark material the rest of the game deals in.

Part of that is a response to the criticism some players had of Diablo 3, which fell a little too hard on the cartoony, more colourful side of things, clashing with Diablo's typical tone. The end result is Diablo 4, a serious game that looks the part, which is what makes this recent discovery quite amusing.

As you probably know by now, cosmetics can drop from in-game content, you don't have to only spend real money on them at the store. Treasure Goblins drop them, and a few of the endgame events also have a chance to drop some.

The most common are mounts, which is great because they're the thing you're likely to to actually identify playing the game from a bird's-eye view, unlike armour and back cosmetics. But what happens when you don't claim the drop after it lands in your inventory, and instead discard it?

Well, it turns out, when you drop a mount from your inventory to the ground, it has the look of a tiny horse. Though most loot icons in the game are flat, mounts aren't for some reason. Reddit user zer0ag3nt made this discovery, and was later one-upped by Senorragequit - who established his own outdoor stables.

If you drop a mount out of your inventory, you get a tiny horse!
by u/zer0ag3nt in diablo4

This is probably the closest we're going to get to a Whimsyshire level in Diablo 4 - short of an actual cow level, of course. Whimsyshire was a joke level in Diablo 3, full of rainbows and bright colours. Instead of the demons you typically went after in the main game, Whimsyshire was full of ponies, teddy bears, and adorable clouds as chests.

You still needed to murder everything, of course, because this is still Diablo. So I guess you can think of this as the return of Whimsyshire.

I'm the stable master now
by u/Senorragequit in diablo4

Plenty more nonsense discoveries like these from the community in our Diablo 4 hub, and some news as well. For instance, the big Season 1 livestream is happening this Thursday.

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Sherif Saed


Sherif is VG247’s go-to shooter and Souls-likes person. Whether it’s news, reviews, or op-eds – Sherif is always eager to tell you about video games. Sherif is based in Egypt, a fact he’s working diligently to change, if only to have more opportunities to hike.
