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Tears of the Kingdom causes NSFW Zelda search spike, even if it is a bit weird

Looks like too many of you want to go on a Four Sword Adventure.

Because people just can't seem to help themselves, searches for NSFW Zelda content have skyrocketed after the launch of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

I know two things to be true in life: water is wet, and people love to go on to the internet and make NSFW content about generally SFW things. In this particular case, you probably might be grossed out to hear, searches for NSFW Zelda content have absolutely skyrocketed (pun not intended) following the recent release of Tears of the Kingdom over on Pornhub.

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It unfortunately comes with the territory when it comes to a game like this, but it's definitely a bit weird considering we don't quite know how old Zelda herself is in the sequel. She turns 17 in the first game (no, it doesn't count that she's technically 117), and we don't know how much time has passed between the two games. Link is around the same age as Zelda in the first game, as covered by Polygon, so I would advise taking this into consideration before searching for yourself.

When I say results have shot up, I mean it: as of May 15, searches have gone up by an absolutely massive 1477%. But that's really nothing compared to the amount that the search term "Purah Zelda" has gone up, which is an upsettingly high 42,257%. Seriously, what's up with that? This game is so massive, how do you even have the time?

Purah is also the most popular character, who is an adult in Tears of the Kingdom at least, so maybe stick with that if you're in the mode for that kind of Zelda content to play it safe.

But honestly? The best person you can thirst for is the age appropriate Ganondorf, which people quickly did upon his rehydrated reveal. That'd be a better use for your Master Sword.

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Oisin Kuhnke

