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No one can find a Breath of the Wild fan favourite in Tears of the Kingdom

Where'd that bard get off to?

Pretty much every character from Breath of the Wild is back in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but there's one character who is suspiciously absent.

Spoilers ahead for the missing character (if an absence of a character counts as a spoiler to you)!

When I say that almost every character is back, I mean it. You've got the big ones like Riju from Gerudo Town, Sidon from the Zora's Domain, even Purah is back, though a good bit older now (leading some to be insatiably thirsty). You'll even find NPCs that you almost definitely don't remember the name of, alongside a suite of new characters like Cece the fashionista, and Tauro, the Zonai Survey Team Leader. So where the hell is the best bard in all of Hyrule, the one and only Kass?

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Kass is an incredibly iconic character from Breath of the Wild, notably because of the soothing accordion tones you'd hear across the world of Hyrule. He wasn't a major part of the main quest in the first game, though he did build up some backstory and history, and he's incredibly important in the Champion's Ballad DLC. But fans haven't been able to find him so far, and they're getting worried.

Tears of the Kingdom is obviously a massive game, so there's absolutely the chance that no one has managed to come across him. Though the game has sold more than 10 million copies in just three days, so you'd assume that someone might have found the bard bird. There are a couple of references to him in the game, made by his wife, children, and one other character, but he's never mentioned by name.

A number of fans have expressed concern over him being missing, and I'm feeling that too - not hearing his accordion feels somewhat sad, so I can only hope he'll be brought back as some kind of DLC. Maybe we can't find him because none of us have explored the map enough (and maybe we need a guide to all the Skyview Tower locations to help us do so).

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Oisin Kuhnke

