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How to complete Kamatukis Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

This shrine requires "A Precise Strike"!

Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Once you work it out, Kamatukis Shrine is a load of fun. It tasks you with building a giant hammer to accurately strike a ball across the shrine.

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll come across countless shrines in your bid to rescue the Kingdom of Hyrule. Completing as many shrines as you have the time to is pivotal to gaining more Heart and Stamina containers, and they provide plenty of lessons in using Link’s abilities.

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The Kamatukis Shrine sees us using the likes of Ultrahand and sheer force to land some balls where they need to be, and ultimately get us our Light of Blessing. So, here’s how to complete Kamatukis Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

How to complete Kamatukis Shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You’ll find the Kamatukis Shrine in the Deep Akkala region in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It’s slightly north of the Tempest Gulch, and south of Skull Lake, which is conveniently skull-shaped.

A map of the location of Kamtukis Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Here’s where you’ll find the Kamatukis Shrine. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Once inside of Kamatukis Shrine, you’ll see a big metal block, a ball, a switch, and a long pillar of sorts coming from the ceiling. We want to send this ball into the ball hole on the other side of the room.

So, we’re going to turn the pillar here into a hammer that will send our ball soaring. Attach the metal block to the bottom of the pillar using Ultrahand, as shown below.

Link attaches a metal block in a pillar in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Attach the metal block to the pillar here to create a hammer. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

You’ll now want to use Ultrahand to raise the hammer, and then drop it; it will hit the ball and send it flying. This might take a few attempts, as the amount of force used needs to be just right, or the ball will completely miss the hole.

Link uses Ultrahand to raise a pillar in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
We dropped the hammer from around this height, and got the ball into the hole successfully. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

If you need to start over, reset the ball using the nearby switch. Once the ball is in the hole, the gate to the exit of the Kamatukis Shrine will open. So, you can grab your Light of Blessing and leave!

If you want to grab the Kamatukis Shrine chest first, though, keep reading.

How to get the Kamatukis Shrine chest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Rather than head right and exit the Kamatukis Shrine, take a left into a second area.

In this area, there’s more of the same; we’ve another metal block, ball, pillar, and switch. We want to get the ball into the ball hole on the other side of the room again. The only difference this time is that the pillar is moving, so we’ll have to time hitting the ball a lot more carefully.

We’re going to repeat what we’ve just done by attaching the metal block to the pillar using Ultrahand. Then, raise the pillar using Ultrahand and watch carefully; drop the hammer when the ball hole is about to align with the ball, and you should wind up with the ball in the hole successfully.

Link uses Ultrahand to raise a pillar in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
It might take a few attempts, but you’ll manage it. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Once the ball successfully rolls into the hole on the other side of the room, another gate to your left will open. Head on in and open the chest to receive a Mighty Zonaite Longsword. Nice.

Now, you can exit the Kamatukis Shrine!

For more Light of Blessings in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, try checking out the Serutabomac Shrine, the Ihen-a Shrine, and the Mogawak Shrine!

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Kelsey Raynor

Guides Writer

Kelsey's passion for gaming began with Resident Evil, and it's been rather difficult to get them to shut up about horror games since. When they're not scoping out new scares or commiserating the cancellation of Silent Hills, they can often be found fawning over cute Pokémon and Kirby, or being very average at FPS games.
