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How to shield surf in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You can also transform your shield into a skateboard with the right know-how!

Link shield surfing on the back of a Sea Breeze Shield in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

Shield Surfing in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a simple trick, but one of the most satisfying to pull off. There are a huge number of mobility options available to Link, but none are more fun than shield surfing.

Right from the start of the game, Link can plant his feet on the back of pretty much every shield and ride it down slopes. But that’s not all.

By fusing different items to a shield you can do more useful things with shield surfing than ever before, so here’s what to do.

Here's how to shield surf in Tears of the Kingdom!Watch on YouTube

How to Shield Surf in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

To shield surf in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, hold “ZL” to raise your shield then Press “X” to jump and “A” to plant your feet on the back of your shield.

You will then skim along the floor until you run out of momentum. This is obviously best done down hills or other steep surfaces, you can do it pretty much anywhere you like.

Bare in mind though that shield surfing will damage your shield and eventually break it. If you’re precious about your strongest main shield, save it for battle and use something you’re less protective of for shield surfing.

How to shield surf, skateboard, and pogo!

How to make a skateboard in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Surfing isn’t the only extreme sport you can use your shield for in Tears of the Kingdom. With the Fuse power, you can add wheels to the bottom of your shield to grind rails and cover steep ground extremely quickly.

To make a skateboard, fuse a mine cart from a sky island to your shield to make a mine cart shield. You can then use it to jump on rails and grind down without messing about lining up a proper mine cart.

Link creating a skateboard for shield surfing in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

For flat-ground skating, fuse a Zonai device cart to a shield. You can use this kind of skateboard to roll down hills extremely quickly and have a lot of fun while you’re doing it.

Both of these activities will also damage and eventually break your shield so choose wisely!

How to make a pogo stick in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Finally, one other shield surfing you should know about is the pogo stick, which can launch Link to high places with ease.

For this, fuse a Zonai device spring to a shield. Once you plant your feet on the back and hit the ground, the spring will activate and fling Link into the air. This is an extremely useful piece of equipment for reaching tough ledges.

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James Billcliffe

Guides Editor

James suffers so you don't have to, creating expert guides for the toughest games and reviews for the biggest blockbuster releases.
