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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Twins Manuscript stone puzzle solution

A devious puzzle hidden deep within the Dueling Peaks.

Link placing rocks to solve the Twins Manuscript stone puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the Twins Manuscript location promises a piece of history, if only you can find your way to the secret hiding spot.

Everyone loves a good treasure hunt and a brain-teasing riddle, but nothing is more frustrating than when you just can’t come up with the solution.

Your only clues are contained in a cryptic riddle that reads:

“In West Necluda stand twins poised to duel. Each contains a cavern that faces the other. Show the little twin’s sign to the big twin to open the door to my treasure.”

So you can add this part of Misko’s Treasure to your collection, here’s where to look!

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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Twins Manuscript location

The Twins Manuscript refers to the Dueling Peaks in West Necluda. The closest fast travel point is Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower.

A map screen showing the locations mentioned in the Twins Manuscript in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
The Dueling Peaks North and South caves are located in the canyon between the two mountains! | Image credit: Nintendo

More specifically, the riddle is referring to Dueling Peaks North Cave and Dueling Peaks South Cave. The little twin is the north side, so head to the Dueling Peaks North Cave first.

Link taking a picture of the Dueling Peaks puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

Inside, there are a couple of Horriblins to defeat, but at the back of the cave is an interesting formation on the ceiling. Remember the positions of the filled in dots, either with the in-game camera or a screenshot.

Link investigating Dueling Peaks Cave South in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

Now make your way over to the other side of the canyon and Dueling Peaks South Cave. Inside is a Like-Like to defeat and a Bubbulfrog behind the cracked rocks on the right. But to continue the Twins Manuscript quest, climb up the ledge above where the Like-Like was.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Twins Manuscript stone puzzle solution

At the top of the ledge you will see an arrangement of stones on the floor that looks a lot like the drawing you saw in the north cave. To solve the puzzle, you need to place the stones in the same places as they were in the drawing. The only issue is that you don’t know the orientation of the filled-in dots.

Link placing rocks to solve the Twins Manuscript stone puzzle in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

From the top of the triangle, to complete the puzzle, place a rock on the first square of the second row, on the second square of the third row, and on the second and fourth squares of the fourth row.

This sends a door at the back of the cave sliding open, revealing a chest containing your precious loot!

For more on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, be sure to retrieve the rest of Misko's treasure. We've listed these below:

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James Billcliffe

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James suffers so you don't have to, creating expert guides for the toughest games and reviews for the biggest blockbuster releases.
