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How to complete the Water Temple in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

If you’ve beaten the Fire Temple, the Water Temple is a breeze.

Link interacts with the Water Temple Zonai terminal in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Like a stream wearing down a stone, the amount of puzzles it takes to complete the Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can fatigue even the strongest warrior.

You will have now explored all across the Zora Domain, skies and all. After solving riddles galore and getting to the bottom of where the sludge that taints Zora’s waters is coming from, you’ll wind up at the Water Temple.

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The Water Temple is made up of various platforms, with bubbles, waterfalls, and sludge being all over the place. That said, fixing the four faucets around the temple is no trouble at all, really. Here’s how to complete the Water Temple in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

How to complete the Water Temple in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You’ve finally reached the Water Temple in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and it’s this grand sky-palace that is the source of the Zora Domain’s water. Meaning that right now, this temple is also the source of the sludge that is plaguing the Zora people's home.

At the entrance to the Water Temple, interact with the Zonai terminal to unlock a fast travel spot we can return to if needed. While you’re at it, check that you’ve plenty of Splash Fruit or blue Chu Chu Jelly, as we’ll need these. We’ll also have Sidon’s Power of Water to help us out.

The Water Temple should also be the third temple you come across in the Regional Phenomena quest, as we recommend you visit both Rito Village and Goron City first!

Around the Water Temple are five faucets, but four of them are being blocked, and your Splash Fruit isn’t going to do the job alone; we need to unblock all the faucets in the temple to restore clean, running water to the Zora Domain, so let’s get started.

Faucet 1

Facing the Zonai terminal of the Water Temple, head west along the broken bridge. There’s decreased gravity up here, so Link will be able to jump much further than normal, just like on Wellspring Island.

A map of the Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Make your way along this bridge to reach our first faucet. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

On this next platform, you’ll have three Soldier Constructs to deal with. Once they’re dead, find the bubble machine here, and clean the sludge off of it.

Link looks at a bubble machine covered in sludge in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Clean up the sludge. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Now, grab the ball in the pool using Ultrahand and pop it inside one of the bubbles; it’ll float up to the next platform. Make Link hop in the following bubble, and float up towards where we sent the ball.

Link looks up at a bubble with a ball inside of it in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Pop the ball in the bubble, and then send Link up in the next bubble. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Next up, use Ultrahand again to place the ball over the hole in the water. It won’t go inside of the hole just yet, as we’ve a little more to do.

Link looks at a ball and a hole in some water in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Our aim is to get the ball into this hole. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Opposite the waterfall here is a floodgate. If we open it for long enough, the water here will drain and the ball will go in the hole. Attach one of the nearby hover table Zonai Devices to the top of the floodgate.

Then, activate the hover tablet by hitting it with a weapon, and use Ultrahand to raise the floodgate. The hover tablet will hold the floodgate up until your battery charge runs out.

Link uses Ultrahand on a floodgate in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Use a hover tablet to hold the floodgate up. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

A nearby gate will open, revealing a water wheel. Attack the wheel with Sidon’s Power of Water activated, and our first faucet will have been repaired. Three more to go!

Faucet 2

Next up, we want to return to the centre of the Water Temple, but we want to go along the lower platform. From the first faucet, look east. You can simply glide on down towards the flames shown in the image below, but of course, don’t go into the flames just yet.

Link looks down at the lower level of the Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Glide down towards the fiery gate here. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Activate Sidon’s ability, and with the bubble shield available, Link can run through the flames here.

In this room, there’ll be a small ball across a platform of spikes. There’ll also be a wheel on the left wall, and plenty of hover tablets. Our goal is to collect the small ball from the spike pit, and attach it to the wheel on the wall.

First things first, however, we want to let Sidon in! Drop a hover tablet on the switch beside the flame gate.

Link faces a switch with a hover tablet on it in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Pop a tablet on the switch here to let Sidon into the room. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Head towards the spike pit, where there are four hover tablets. Use these and Ultrahand to make a bridge across the pit, taking into account that Link’s jumps are much bigger leaps in this temple. Then, attach the small ball to one of the hover tablets.

Link jumps across a spike pit using hover tablets in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Use the hover tablets to make your way over to the ball, and send the ball back. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Make your way back to the other side, and use Ultrahand to bring the hover tablet with the small ball towards Link. Place the tablet in the air, as close to the platform with the wheel as possible.

Have Link climb back up to this platform, and then grab the ball using Ultrahand before the tablet drops.

Then, attach the small ball to the small ball slot in the wheel on the wall.

Link uses Ultrahand on a small ball in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
We can use Ultrahand to position the ball in the wheel here, but it won't stay. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

The ball won’t stay in place, however. So, we need to attach it to a hover tablet again, and then attach that hover tablet to the wall, with the ball in place. The hover tablet will need to be active to stay in place.

Link looks at a wheel with a hover tablet attached to it in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Attach the ball to an active hover tablet, and then use Ultrahand to place the ball in the wheel. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Before your battery runs out for the hover tablet, use Sidon’s ability on the newly revealed water wheel. That’s our second faucet now back in perfect working order.

Faucet 3

Now, we want to return to the centre of the Water Temple again, where the Zonai terminal is. This time, we want to head east, as that’s where our remaining two faucets are.

To the northeast is a blocked waterfall, pictured below. Use an arrow with some Chu Chu Jelly attached to clear this waterfall.

Link aims at a waterfall blocked with sludge in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Clear the sludge to reveal a waterfall. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Glide over and swim up this waterfall to reach the eastern platforms, where our remaining faucets are. To your right will be a Fire Like who is worth killing now, rather than later.

Head over to the bubble machine here, which is dropping bubbles downwards. We want to hop in one of these and use Recall on it to reach a height, then Link can glide toward the next platform.

Link looks towards a bubble machine in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Hop in one of these bubbles, and use Recall to send it back up. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

There’s a lot going on throughout this next platform. We want to head to the water wheel by the platform, and attach the nearby planks to it so that it can actually spin.

Link faces a water wheel with two planks attached in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Attach the two planks here to this wheel to get it spinning. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

That’ll be the first portion of the circuit here working, but now we need to find something to pass the current between the working circuit, and the one that is still offline. We’re, of course, going to use a bubble!

Behind the circuit is a bubble machine; use Ultrahand to grab a bubble and position it between the two circuits, as shown in the image below.

Link uses Ultrahand to have a bubble connect two circuits in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Use a nearby bubble to connect the two circuits to one another. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

This will open the door to the third water wheel; use Sidon’s ability on it to get things moving, and that’s our third faucet dealt with.

Now, onto the fourth and final faucet that needs fixing in the Water Temple.

Faucet 4

To reach the platform with the fourth water wheel, you can either Ascend through the platform where the Fire Like once was, or go to the far bubble machine on the platform with the third water wheel.

I hopped into one of these bubbles, and then dashed out, as shown below. I then had Link glide over to the final platform.

Link glides over to an area of the Water Temple in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Glide over to the next platform using the far bubble machine. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Kill the Soldier Constructs across this watery platform, so nobody bothers us while we fix this final faucet. The spinning platform in the middle of this area will be covered in sludge; clean that off however you prefer.

Link has a large spinning structure behind him in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
We want to try clean the sludge from inside this spinning box. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Then, we want to flip the switch inside this structure. Build yourself a contraption that gives Link some height, and then glide off it; while gliding, shoot the switch with an arrow.

Link looks up at a ramp built beside a spinning structure in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Build a ramp like shown and climb up it. Glide off, and fire an arrow at the switch inside the spinning box while doing so. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

Don’t worry about the speed this thing is spinning at, as time will come to a halt when Link aims his arrow while gliding!

Link aims at a switch in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Time will slow down when Link aims while gliding, so we'll be able to hit the switch easily enough. | Image credit: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Nintendo

This will reveal the fourth water wheel. So, interact with Sidon and hit the wheel. The fourth faucet will now be working!

You can now return to the centre of the Water Temple and interact with the Zonai terminal again. This will wash away all the sludge that’s making its way to the Zora Domain, but will also reveal our next boss.

To finish things up in the Zora Domain questline, continue our walkthrough with how to beat the ghastly Mucktorok.

For more on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, check out where to find all the Geoglyphs across Hyrule for Impa. While you're at it, don't forget to check out what your Bubbul gems can be used for, and our guide to the Great Fairies.

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Kelsey Raynor

Guides Writer

Kelsey's passion for gaming began with Resident Evil, and it's been rather difficult to get them to shut up about horror games since. When they're not scoping out new scares or commiserating the cancellation of Silent Hills, they can often be found fawning over cute Pokémon and Kirby, or being very average at FPS games.
