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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - All Zonai Devices and how to use Device Dispensers

Searching for a specific Zonai Device? Here's where to find it!

Link collecting Zonai Devices from a Device Dispenser in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

In The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, Zonai Devices are ancient technological wonders, capable of performing incredible feats like launching Link into the air, hardening lava into a walkable platform or firing laser beams. Because who doesn’t love firing laser beams?

A healthy stock of these mysterious machines is key to making the most of your time with Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but you will have to look far and wide for Device Dispensers and Capsules to complete the set.

Here’s everything you need to know about Zonai Devices and where to find them in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

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Where to find Zonai Devices in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

You can occasionally find Zonai Devices in chests or left lying around for you to find during quests, but the main way to collect more is from a Device Dispenser.

These gachapon-inspired machines work like capsule toy vending machines. You put Zonai Charges in and receive capsules containing Zonai Devices in return.

Each Device Dispenser has a specific set of Zonai Devices that you can get from them, which can be viewed by hovering over its icon on the map after having discovered it.

Link holding five Zonai Charges in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: Nintendo

How to use Zonai Charges in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Zonai Charges are obtained from chests and by defeating Construct enemies in story missions, inside Shrines or on sky islands.

In front of a Device Dispenser, open your inventory and find Zonai Charges inside of the “materials” tab. Select them, then choose “hold” and add up to five charges. Then, leave the menu and place the charges inside the machine.

It will dispense a random assortment of the Zonai Devices available from that machine; the more charges you use, the more capsules you'll receive.

Once a Zonai Device has been removed from its gacha bubble and dropped from your inventory, it cannot be picked up again. This is the same for any already unwrapped Zonai Devices you find around Hyrule. Only Zonai Devices inside bubbles can be saved for later.

How to use Zonai Devices in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Once a Zonai Device bubble has been added to your inventory, hold the up arrow on the directional pad to open your item menu.

Next, press "Y" until the list is sorted by Zonai Devices. Now, use the right stick to scroll to the one you want, then press "X" to drop it on the ground.

Remember, once a device has been unwrapped from its bubble, you can't return it to your inventory, so choose wisely!

Zonai Device List

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Zonai Device List
Name: Use Location
Portable Pot Good for cooking one meal or elixir Great Sky Island, West Hebra Sky Archipelago, Courage Island, Gerudo Canyon Mini Stable, Thunderhead Isles, Dragonhead Island
Battery Powers other devices for longer North Hyrule Sky, South Eldin Sky, Wellspring Island, Thunderhead Isles, Dragonhead Island, Gerudo Canyon Mini Stable, South Lanayru Sky
Fan Blows a stream of wind in one direction, can be used to power vehicles Great Sky Island, East Hebra Sky, South Eldin Sky, Thunderhead Isles, Dragonhead Island, Kakariko Village, Wellspring Island, Courage Island
Wing Good for travelling through the air East Hebra Sky, Great Sky Island, Wellspring Island, North Tabantha Sky, Tabantha Sky, North Necluda Sky, Dragonhead Island, South Lanayru Sky
Steering Stick Enables full control of vehicles North Hyrule Sky, East Gerudo Sky, Dragonhead Island, South Lanayru Sky, Tarrey Town Construction Site
Sled A platform with a slick bottom for sliding on grass and sand East Hebra Sky, North Gerudo Sky, East Gerudo Sky
Stabilizer Whatever it is attached to always stands upright Wellspring Island, North Gerudo Sky, West Necluda Sky, Kakariko Village
Stake Can be stuck into walls and surfaces and then built on top of, or used to keep gates open and so forth Gerudo Canyon Mini Stable, Sokkala Sky, North Gerudo Sky, East Gerudo Sky
Rocket Shoots off with a powerful force West Hebra Sky, South Hyrule Sky, Tarrey Town Construction Site
Hydrant Spurts out a steady stream of water South Eldin Sky, Sky Mine, West Necluda Sky, South Lanayru Sky
Hover Stone Stays in the air when activated, can be used for reaching awkward areas Sky Mine, Wellspring Island, North Tabantha Sky
Flame Emitter Belches flames from its mouth Great Sky Island, West Hebra Sky, North Hyrule Sky, Zonaite Forge Island
Cannon Shoots out damaging cannonballs North Necluda Sky, Sokkala Sky
Cart A flat platform with four small wheels Wellspring Island, East Hebra Sky, Tabantha Sky, Sokkala Sky, West Necluda Sky, Dragonhead Island
Construct Head Always faces enemies - combine with a combat device for homing attacks North Hyrule Sky, Sky Mine, Sokkala Sky, West Necluda Sky
Time Bomb Explodes after a short time West Hebra Sky, Sky Mine, Courage Island, South Hyrule Sky, North Necluda Sky, Zonaite Forge Island
Balloon Lifts objects into the air when filled with hot air from a heat source North Tabantha Sky, Courage Island, West Necluda Sky, Kakariko Village, Tarrey Town Construction Site
Spring Throws things into the air when activated North Tabantha Sky, North Necluda Sky, Gerudo Canyon Mini Stable, South Lanayru Sky
Small Wheel Spins quickly forward South Hyrule Sky, Tarrey Town Construction Site
Big Wheel Spins slowly forward South Eldin Sky, Kakariko Village, Gerudo Canyon Mini Stable, Tarrey Town Construction Site
Shock Emitter Fires lightning from its mouth East Hebra Sky, North Hyrule Sky, North Gerudo Sky, Dragonhead Island
Light Projects a beam of light straight forward North Hyrule Sky, Wellspring Island, South Hyrule Sky, South Lanayru Sky
Homing Cart Attack device that hunts down enemies North Hyrule Sky, West Necluda Sky, Sokkala Sky, Sky Mine, Zonaite Forge Island
Mirror Reflect beams of light North Tabantha Sky, Tabantha Sky, East Gerudo Sky, South Lanayru Sky
Beam emitter Shoots out damaging lasers East Gerudo Sky, Zonaite Forge Island
Frost emitter Shoots out frost Tabantha Sky, North Gerudo Sky, Zonaite Forge Island, South Lanayru Sky

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James Billcliffe

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James suffers so you don't have to, creating expert guides for the toughest games and reviews for the biggest blockbuster releases.
