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How to get the Zonaite Armor set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Get the most out of your Zonai Devices with this armor.

Link wears the Zonaite Armor in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Of all the armor to choose from in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, I think the Zonaite armor has to be some of the best-looking new gear there is. It turns Link into a badass Zonai warrior, and is also rather useful when it comes to using Zonai Devices.

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Collecting the Zonai armor set meets ascending up to the sky island in Hyrule, so this is the perfect time to also farm Zonai Dispensers and Sundelion which we’ll no doubt need during our adventure. Anyway, here’s how to get the Zonaite armor set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

How to get the Zonaite Armor set in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Zonaite armor is made up of three pieces; the Zonaite Helm, Zonaite Waistguard, and Zonaite Shin Guards. They’re each located on sky islands in different regions, so can be quite a pain to get if you’re yet to unlock the map.

I definitely recommend grabbing as many Skyview Towers as possible before venturing out to grab this armor. Once you have, collecting it will be a breeze.

The Zonaite armor will boost the energy of your Zonai Devices when equipped. When you upgrade it enough at a Great Fairy Fountain, it will also double the recharge speed of your Zonai batteries.

How to get the Zonaite Helm in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Zonaite Helm is located on the south of Lightcast Island, but we need to get there first!

A map showing the location of Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Here’s Lightcast Island, for reference. It is south of the Zora Domain, among the sky islands. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

If you haven’t got any of the Zora Domain armor, you’ll want to begin the Zora Domain questline first, so you can grab the chest piece. While you’re at it, cook up some stamina elixirs too, and make sure you have some Zonaite charges to hand, too. We’re going to need to swim up a waterfall to reach Lightcast Island, and the glide over to this island is quite the journey.

Once you know you have the power to swim up waterfalls, make your way to Rospro Pass Skyview Tower in the region of Hebra and send Link up into the sky. Then, glide over to the waterfall towards the south, using stamina elixirs to top up Link’s stamina along the way. Don’t worry if you don’t reach the waterfall, just make sure to land on the small island in Hyrule below it.

Here, I used the Autobuild ability to conjure up a working hot air balloon. I then sent the hot air balloon flying with Link inside it. Once you finally reach the waterfall above, have Link glide off and straight into the waterfall with the Zora armor equipped; he’ll now arrive on the sky islands.

Link faces a hot air balloon built with Autobuild in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
This is what we need some Zonaite on hand for! | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

If the weather in Hyrule is rainy, however, this particular waterfall will actually reach the floor. This means, if the weather is on your side, you can actually glide straight to the waterfall and head on up!

Link looks toward a waterfall in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
When it’s raining, you can swim straight up the waterfall. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Once you arrive on the sky island, there’ll be some minecarts and rockets; attach two rockets to either side of a cart and place the cart on the nearby track. Then, ride the minecart over to the next island.

Link rides a mine cart powered by rockets between sky islands in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Ride this minecart to the other side of the islands. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Up next, we’ll need to use the glider on our left to reach Lightcast Island. Attach the nearby fans and rockets to the glider however you choose, and send it flying. You’ll want to stand on the rear of the glider so that it ascends upwards, then Link will be able to glide over to a small island south of Lightcast Island.

Link uses a glider to reach a sky island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Next, make a glider to help Link reach the island south of Lightcast Island. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

As you approach this small island, gravity will reduce and Link will be able to move and jump further. From here, we now want to make our way to Lightcast Island.

On this island, there’ll be a small platform with fans and batteries attached. There’ll be plenty of other batteries and fans nearby, too, so I recommend attaching the additional batteries so you need not use any Zonai charges while flying.

When you’re ready, send the platform flying upwards and head north towards Lightcast Island.

Link rides a flying platform towards a sky island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Use this platform, with additional devices attached, to reach Lightcast Island finally. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Once you reach the island, head north, over to the rightmost corner where you’ll find a Zonai terminal. Interact with it to drain the area of water.

Link activates a Zonai terminal in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Interact with this Zonai terminal to drain the surrounding area of water. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Next, head where the light is pointing. There’ll be a destroyable rock here; break it, and press ahead.

Link looks down at a path leading into a cave on Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Break the rock here and continue onwards down this passage. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

You’ll arrive in a dark cave. So, first things first, throw some Brightbloom Seeds around the area so you can see more clearly. Up ahead, you’ll find two mirror devices. We’ll need to use these mirrors to reflect light and activate a large panel, like you might’ve done in the Soryotanog Shrine in Gerudo City.

There’ll also be a third mirror device on a platform to the west of the room. Use one of the first mirror devices you found and point it at the distant mirror.

Link points a mirror towards another mirror, reflecting light between the two, on Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Position the first mirror to point at the second, distant mirror shown here. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Then, hop over to the second mirror, and position it in such a way so that it points towards a third mirror; this third mirror is towards the south of the room and in the distance. You won’t see it until you reach the second mirror.

Link points a mirror towards another mirror, reflecting light between the two, on Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Position the second mirror so that it points towards this third mirror in the distance. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Once again, use Ultrahand to position the third mirror so that it faces the fourth mirror on the nearby platform.

Link points a mirror towards another mirror, reflecting light between the two, on Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Rinse and repeat! | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Finally, position this fourth mirror to face the cave to the south. Then, head further into the cave.

Link points a mirror towards a panel on Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Position this mirror as shown, and advance into the cave ahead. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Brighten up the area using Brightbloom Seeds first, and take out the Soldier Construct; he’ll drop a mirror, which is fused to his shield. Then, hop down into the room.

Grab the mirror and position it using Ultrahand so that it faces the orange panel in this room. The walls will then come down, revealing the outside again.

Link points a mirror towards another mirror, reflecting light between the two, on Lightcast Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Position this final mirror so it reflects light onto the orange panel. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

You’ll have completed the Lightcast Island puzzle, and be able to exit with ease again. Now, clamber up to the chest that is on the platform above the previously-orange panel we just activated.

Open up the chest to retrieve the Zonaite Helm at long last. Now, we’ve two more pieces of Zonaite armor to get, and fortunately for us, they’re easier to grab from here on out.

How to get the Zonaite Waistguard in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

The Zonaite Waistguard in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is also among the sky islands. More specifically, it is found in a chest on the Zonaite Forge Island in the region of Necluda.

Much like Lightcast Island, it’s pretty high up in the sky, so you’ll want to be stocked up on stamina wheels and elixirs.

A map of the Zonaite Forge Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
This is where we want to end up, as the island hides away the Zonaite Waistguards. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

First things first, make your way to Popla Foothills Skyview Tower and send Link up into the sky. Then, glide on over to the West Necluda Sky Archipelago, shown below. You’ll need lots of stamina for this.

A map of the West Necluda Sky Archipelago in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Glide over to this island in the West Necluda Sky Archipelago. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Once on the island, grab the nearby Ukoojisi Shrine for an easily accessible fast-travel point. Then, head to the northernmost point of the island. Here, you’ll find three large floating platforms, and some rockets.

Now, what we want to do is attach a rocket to one of the platforms upright. Then, we want to drag some of the additional rockets onto the platform with us, but do not attach them.

We’ll be using this platform and the rockets to send us up towards the Zonaite Forge Island. If we attach all of the rockets at once, they’ll all be used at once, and we won’t reach the height needed to access the island.

So, we’ll need to use one rocket at a time. Fortunately, these platforms function a lot like hover stones, and once we use one rocket to ascend, the platform will stay put - floating in the sky - until we use another rocket again.

Link stands atop a floating platform with rockets attached to it in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Attach a rocket to the platform to have it ascend. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

So, with one rocket attached upright to the middle of the platform, and some other rockets nearby, hit the rocket to ascend. When the rocket is depleted, attach another rocket in its place and repeat. Do this until you eventually come face to face with the Zonaite Forge Island to the north, which you can’t miss given how large it is.

Link stand atop a floating platform facing the Zonaite Forge Island in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Once high enough, glide over to the Zonaite Forge Island. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Once you’re high enough, glide over to the Zonaite Forge Island.

If you’re not quite high enough, or misjudged how far you need to glide, there is a waterfall coming off a nearby island that you can swim up. There’ll be another platform and rockets on this island that you can use to finally reach the Zonaite Forge Island safely.

Once on the island, head to the Zonai Terminal that is at the bottom of it, towards the south.

Link activates a Zonai terminal in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
This Zonai Terminal is at coordinates 2421, -1678, 1475. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Activate the terminal and this will turn on various updrafts around the island. You can then use these to reach the very top of the Zonaite Forge Island with ease.

Once at the top, there’ll be a chasm leading inside the island that is full of lasers. Dive inside and carefully float between the lasers so Link doesn’t get hurt.

Link dives through a chasm full of lasers in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Navigate between these lasers carefully and head to the bottom. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Once at the bottom, activate the Yansamin Shrine so you’ve an easily accessible fast-travel spot to come back to.

Now, behind the shrine is a box of sorts that we need to Ascend into, shown below.

Link faces a pillar beside a shrine in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
We want to be inside of this box, and can get inside from underneath it. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Go behind the shrine, and use any source of water you may have to create some stone slabs on the lava here. You can use a Fire Hydrant Zonai Device, use a spare Wing to stand on, or just throw some Blue Chu Chu Jelly at the lava.

Link faces a stone slab in some lava in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
I created a stone slab using Chu Chu Jelly, then used Ultrahand to position it right beside the wall here. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Stand atop your newly-forged path and Ascend upwards. You’ll now be inside the box with a chest; open it up to reveal the Zonai Waistguards finally! You can Ascend again to exit the box.

How to get the Zonaite Shin Guards in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Last, but not least, it’s time to grab the Zonaite Shin Guards in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. This bit of gear is found on a small island in the North Akkala Sky Archipelago, just beside the Sky Mine.

First, you’ll want to actually reach the Sky Mine. So, make your way to Ulri Mountain Skyview Tower and send Link flying. Then, glide south towards the nearest Sokkala Sky Islands.

A labelled map of the Sky Mine and Sokkala Sky Islands in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Head to the Sokkala sky islands. We'll head to the Sky Mine islands from there. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

Ignore the enemy here, and on the northmost platform will be a platform with batteries and fans again, just like earlier, so this will be a breeze! Attach as many batteries to the platform as possible, and send Link upwards again. From here, you’ll be able to take the platform directly towards the Sky Mine to the northeast.

The flying platform will only take us about half the distance, however, and we want to focus on gaining height where we can. Once the batteries run out, you’ll need to glide the rest of the distance to the Sky Mine, so make sure you’re stocked up on stamina elixirs.

Once on the first island of the Sky Mine, activate the Zonai Terminal. This will give power to the push block in the middle of the island.

Link interacts with a Zonai terminal in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Activate this terminal to power the push block in the middle of the island. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

With that powered, head on over to it. Stand atop it and send Link flying to the next island. On the next island, repeat this again to reach a third and final island; this is the island closest to that big sphere in the sky, and it is covered in stone blocks.

On the third island, use the crank to turn the island so that the push block faces the big sphere in this area, as shown below.

Link faces a big sphere in the sky in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Turn the pushblock to face the big sphere in the sky. We'll soon be placing stone blocks and Link on it. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

There’ll be some stone cubes here. What we now want to do is use Ultrahand to place these atop the push block, sending them flying towards the sphere. If you look at the sphere closely, there’s a hole in the top; we want one of the stone cubes to go in here.

Once you’ve done that, have Link stand atop the push block and send him flying into the same hole that you just sent the stone block to.

When inside the sphere, track down the stone block you just fired in here and use Ultrahand to pop it on the switch in the middle of the room.

Link positions a stone block above a switch in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Place the stone block on this switch. | Image credit: VG247 | Nintendo

The walls of the sphere will now begin to spin, and you’ll be able to access the underneath area of it, where the chest containing the Zonaite Shin Guards are located.

Ascend to the top of the sphere to get out of here, and then glide off the edge of it carefully; you want to glide around and into the hole that’ll land you in the lower half of the sphere.

Once you land in the lower half of the sphere, the only thing to do here is open the chest in the middle of the room. This will reveal the Zonaite Shin Guards at long last, and now, the whole Zonaite armor set is finally all yours.

For more on Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, collect the Glide armor to help with soaring the skies! There’s also the Rubber armor, which will protect Link during thunderstorms, and the Depths armor, which will save Link from having one too many Cracked Hearts.

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Kelsey Raynor

Guides Writer

Kelsey's passion for gaming began with Resident Evil, and it's been rather difficult to get them to shut up about horror games since. When they're not scoping out new scares or commiserating the cancellation of Silent Hills, they can often be found fawning over cute Pokémon and Kirby, or being very average at FPS games.
